Love what arises inside and out
To let go of the pain you feel, either from another person in your life caused by a sense of exceptions not met, or from your own deep rooted grief, you must love it into perfection.
Saying the Mantra:
Love yourself into perfection
Love another into perfection
Love the world into perfection
Perfection not being define as it has been in this 3rd dimension reality, but defined as the highest expression that your soul can achieve. An evolution of your soul’s journey through your physical incarnation here and now.
When hate shadows your heart because you have felt wronged or not seen, it clouds your divine sight. Begin to see the person as the child they once were, crying out to be seen and to be heard. For this is also a reflection of your own inner child, caught in a tug of war. See in them all that you do not want to see in yourself. See in them all that you are afraid to face on your own within the deepest part of your heart. This is the shadow of your light, that has blinded you and so many. When you journey into the deepest corners of you ego/mind self, you must find that divine self love that transcends all experience you have faced in this life time and in all life times. This is how you can begin to find the capacity to love all that arises both inside and out.
To learn to see again, to hear again, to feel again and to speak anew.
To be set free from this self imposed prison created by your own suffering or from another is through forgiveness. For forgiveness is freedom.
The Path to Freedom
Move away from the situation, Emote, to move energy through the body. Bring yourself into a state of neutrality, by rounding and feeling safe.
Breath - Breathing into the nose and out of the nose at first, than deeper into the nose and out of the mouth, calming the nervous system.
Go into stillness, through mindfulness and meditation
Close your eyes, and open your sight.
Bring awareness to how you were triggered and begin to see this inner child tug of war.
Let go of exceptions of any outcome and be in a space of acceptance of what is.