Activate Your True Voice
Awaken your Throat Chakras, Remember your Light Language, and be initiated into the deepest parts of your soul.
Welcome to Your Remembering
This is the beginning of your journey inward — to the deep well of remembering. It’s time to come home and remember the song of your soul and your true voice. As a portal of vision and sound, it is my honor to guide you home through this Soul Sound course and collection of Light Language initiations. In our time together, you will learn about the two throat chakras, uncover your unique light language and travel back to the beginning of your soul’s origin.
Open Channels of Light in Your Body
Did you know the Chakras are channels of light waiting to be accessed in your body? We will focus on opening all of these portals, as well as the Zeal Point, or Mouth of God, to access your highest vibration yet.
Access Higher Realms
As you begin to remember the language of energy and sound, your vibration will naturally ascend into higher realms than ever before. Here, you can access your gifts, past lives, and so much more.
Activate Your Cosmic DNA
You have Cosmic DNA embedded within your being just waiting to come online so you can access higher states of consciousness and transform your human body to its most crystalline state.
Soul Sound Course & Light Language Initiation
For the last 10 years, I’ve been channeling the Cosmic Akash, or history of the universe, downloading sacred truths about sound, ascension, and our galactic origins.
In this course, I’m sharing it all for the first time with those ready to embody the original and purest vibration of their soul.
Light Language works to bypass the human mind and connect to the Divine Mind of God. This energy language works directly with the cellular memories carried within your DNA through all incarnations. The blueprint of your oversoul which is the highest form of your vibrational frequencies that carries your unique soul’s signature.
God Source becomes the oversoul that splits into soul signatures Light Waves that pass through the 0-point field that becomes matter. Each light wave that becomes form, represents a timeline that moves in a nonlinear circular structure of time and space. These are our multidimensional experiences and lives, these are our SONG LINES that represent our souls’ signature and frequencies.
All these frequencies represent the ability for you to connect to your higher selves and your oversoul, through multidimensional life experiences, between time/space and your angelic and galactic families
As you make your way through the Soul Sound Course and Light Language Initiation, this sounding will come easier to you as you begin to trust the sound, tone, or even a one-syllable phrase that will bubble up from your divine heart into the two Throat Chakras.
Be open to play to sing to allow any sound to be expressed as you begin to awaken all of your multidimensional dreaming.
Course Breakdown
The Two Throat Chakras
All About Light Language
Remembering Lemuria
Cosmic Rebirth Activation Meditation
Initiation #1: The Arcturians Codes and Gift of the Conch
Initiation #2: The Pleiadian Codes and Gift of the Lotus
Initiation #3: Zeal Point Opening and Gift of the Pearl
Initiation #4: The Lemurian Codes and Gift of the Mirror
Initiation #5: The Cosmic Womb and Gift of the Chalice
Initiation #6: The Staff of Merlin
“Ama’s groundbreaking approach to the Throat Chakras and Light Language allowed a new part of myself to be effortlessly accessed.” — Aurora O.
What You’ll Receive
In this Soul Song Course and Light Language Initiation you will receive:
Groundbreaking channeled teachings on your two Throat Chakras, seed sounds, the Zeal point, the Vagus Nerve, Lemuria, your Cosmic Self, and more
Welcome Ceremony and Cosmic Rebirth Meditation
6 Light Language initiations and activations
Ascended Masters to connect with for continued growth
Activation symbols for further integration
Forever access to the material to go at your own pace and always come back to