Go Fearlessly into the Night

Go Fearlessly into the Night

Channeled message - Galactic federation of Light


Go fearlessly into the darkness and stand steadfast in your beliefs.

Forge ahead onto the path of your enlightenhood, for as threads of light we weave together to create a new earth that holds and supports all of us, on our journeys of rediscovery.

It is time to choose a future that is in the highest alignment for you here now. This is a calling for love, love for self and love for each others as the source has always loved, so be of brave heart.

We ask you now to be FEARLESS as you open your heart to your remembering, asking that all be removed that does not serve you and prevents you from your highest calling, to be vehicles of divine love.

We ask you now to rise your voices as one, against the darkness. To reclaim your language of light to cast down all shadows.

We ask you now, to raise your hands high in union, becoming beacons illuminating the way for all to witness the expansion of the human heart.

We ask you now to claim your place among the stars once again. Knowing that we are all from source, as the all-self begin to experience all life in all forms through out all time lines and dimensions.

We ask You now to expand your minds to believe in the unbelievable, as you begin to move mountains with your faith.

Walking fearlessly into your future for the ascensions of all of humankind.

We stand in witness to this great expansion and we honor your story. We have compassion for your pain and we rejoice in your joy. We stand witness to the great enfolding of your consciousness. We open your eyes to see, your ears to hear, your heart to feel and your minds to believe.

As you walk Fearlessly into the great unknown, the mysteries of the you



Awakening to an Awakened Heart


What is Ascension?