What is Ascension?

Ascension or expansion as we can simply define it is the ability of our subtle bodies to hold more vibration or light.  These subtle bodies begin at the physical and extend out in different layers. 

As we begin to open up to the vibrations of all of the different aspects of our souls, we can begin to experience realities in different dimensions.  We can also transcend this horizontal timeline of earth’s dense reality and experience time in a different way.  

We are no longer living a singular separate existence but one within the flow of the Divine Feminine Mother and The Divine Masculine Father.  In this space there is more fluidity, self-love and less judgment. Twin flame self-love is the father source’s driving need to experience all life (the seed), balanced by the mother source’s need to nature life (the blood)

Each interacts with the physical world differently and affects our view of our reality.  As we begin to anchor in these higher vibrational frequencies and light codes through activations and light languages each of these bodies can experience a shift.

1. Etheric Body

Innermost of the subtle energy bodies, extending only a couple of inches from your body.      

This field can have the most effect on our physical well-being. This subtle body can have a  

Blueish aura.

2.   Emotional Body

Extending 3 inches from your physical body, the emotional body dictates your feelings.

This is part of your aura that can reflect the colors of the rainbow.

3.    Mental Body

Extending further up this subtle energy field affects our thoughts and memories and can 

Aid with receiving downloads of information. This field contains our ideas and is typically  

Associated with the color yellow, which resides over the shoulders and heads.

4.   Astral Body

This body is the bridge of the physical body into the spiritual realm and can be used for astral projection and experience in other dimensions.  

The Etheric, Emotional, and Mental bodies are the densest energetically, with lower frequencies since the area is all experienced on the physical plane.

The other major subtle bodies are:

5.  Etheric Template Body

Expanding out 2 feet, the Etheric Template is the blueprint for your physical body and exist 

Far before your physical body incarnates. This body can be the key to deep healing and can only be visible to advanced healers.   This template body is also part to your energy that exists in parallel realities.

6.  Celestial Body

This is the body that connects us to the Divine, through the heart chakra -  the Divine flame allowing you to reach a level of awareness and connectedness that aligns you to the universe.

This body exists purely in the spiritual realm and can be accessed through meditation. It is through this body that we can communicate with the higher realms bringing feelings of ecstasy and unconditional love.

7. Causal Body

Often described as the soul, because it contains all of the information of the lower bodies, as well as the knowledge of your Divine Self. This body extends up to 5 feet and has the highest vibrational frequency and the color is Gold.   The Causal body is also thought to be the part that reincarnates after each life retaining information about the other bodies and bringing with it memories and information from previous incarnations. 

This field resembles an egg and it pulsates and vibrates at the zero point / God Energy.

To have an understanding of the complexities of human life and the ascension process through all layers of existence is to unlearn the agendas of separation that have been held in our collective mental/emotional and astral planet for eons.

As we begin our remembering there begins a shift with our subtle bodies to begin to align and anchor these abilities and vibrational information.

Ascension begins with the expansion of these subtle bodies and how they begin to shape a new reality based on experiences in the higher dimensions and our remembering.  Replacing the old paradigms of this world with a new earth and a new human expanding together.

Ascension thus is the realization that we hold the key to the Kingdom of God within the physicality of our forms.  Our ascension begins within our bloodline and our cellular memories that hold the light codes of the master seed of the divine.

So as we the Hathor Collective begin to assist with the expansion of the human consciousness through the vibration that is echo throughout all time and space, we ask you to relearn how to sing to speak through the invitation to expand the throat chakra into the high Throat chakra and into the mouth of God.  To remember your light language as a way to communicate to your higher subtle bodies, your oversoul, and to the God Source.


Go Fearlessly into the Night


The MerKaba and its Connection to the Dimensions