The MerKaba and its Connection to the Dimensions
The original meaning of Merkaba or Merkavah as one word is from a Hebrew text meaning Chariot of light or the throne of God.
In Ancient Egypt, this primal pattern was made up of 3 words.
Mer- Light that rotates around oneself
Ka – spirit, referring to the human spirit
Ba –the human body.
The entire word in Ancient Egypt referred to a rotating light that would take the body from one world to another. Another reference to the Merkaba is from the Zulu Tribe in Africa. There is a Zulu legend that says the entire tribe had come from another dimension to earth, using the MerKaBa. For them, the meaning of MerKaBa is a space/time/dimension vehicle.
There are many teachers now helping people remember the MerKaBa, thus beginning the process that will begin the ascension from our Third Dimensional world into higher planes of consciousness and dimensions.
“Ascension is the process where the Human body is transformed into light and translated by an incredible birth into a new world”
Drunvalo Melchizedek
What exactly is the MerKaBa?
The MerKaBa is an Ethric Star Tetrahedron.
A star Tetrahedron is comprised of two pyramids rotating in opposite directions from each other. It is the spinning that activates the Merkaba and creates a Toroidal Field.
A toroidal field is a magnetic field that exists on the earth and in all living things.