What is the Rainbow Bridge for Ascension?
During my yearlong training with the sublime teachers from The Divine University, we touched upon many concepts that were mentally foreign to me but resonated so deeply on an emotional and spiritual level. I believe that when you hear the truth, especially your own, that vibration moves through your body in a way that makes you stop and pay attention. Where time can almost stand still as you feel an expansion in your normal consciousness.
This is how I felt when I learned about the Rainbow Bridge.
If we look at what is white visible light, the colors that become reflected in a prism are often referred to as ROYGBIV.
This stands for RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, AND VIOLET. These are the colors of the rainbow as well as the Chakra System.
The order of the visible wavelength of light starts with RED, which is associated with the Root Chakra, and is the longest or in reference to the chakras a denser vibration.
The shortest is VIOLET, which is associated with the Crown Chakra, which has a faster vibration field.
When we talk about Dispersion it is defined as the spreading of white light into its full spectrum of wavelengths, through water, the sun, and or a prism.
So now we can begin to explore Rainbow light for our own personal and collective expansion.
I was told that our bodies become a prism, a tool to disperse the light of God. For our bodies are over 80 % water, acting as a catalyst for vibration and frequency. Within the form of our bodies, we become a prism for Divine White Light to move into the heavier dimension of this world or this three-dimensional experience.
I received an image of the Source/God and saw it as pure white light starting to splinter into the colors of the rainbow, each strand carrying its own codes of frequency, as a living aspect of the Divine.
As source light moves into our form dividing into rainbow frequencies, each is held within a specific chakra. These chakras or wheels of light become a dwelling space for their particular vibration, they are then seen as a color. These vibrations descend from the Crown Chakra at the top of our head to the Root Chakra, at the base of the spine.
The Chakras are filled with light codes that activate our desire to connect the spiritual aspect of our nature. We move beyond the ideals of separation and diversion and move into a consciousness of unity.
During our lives in our earthy bodies, these chakras can become blocked or stuck in holding patterns associated with emotional and mental traumas. To ascend Jacob’s ladder we unlock these chakras, allowing the energies to weave together, each strand reuniting to create the Rainbow Bridge. This is how we can experience God.
Through awareness, meditation, and the breath we begin to heal ourselves as the highest form of serving humanity. As the Rainbow Bridge ascends from the Crown of the head and into higher dimensions, we once again experience our multidimensional spirit and our unlimited potential as beings of light.
Bringing the Rainbow Bridge Into Your Practice:
Find a space to create a sacred altar, where you can sit quietly, as you become aware of your breath, inhaling, holding the breath, than exhaling. Begin to bring your breath into the space at the base of the spine where the
Root chakra is located. Filling the space with your breath begin to visualize the color red expanding.
Bring your breath into the lower belly where
The Sacral Chakra is located, filling that space with the color orange.
Now bring your awareness, into the upper belly the Solar Plexus Chakra filling that space with the color yellow.
The Heart Chakra with the color Green
The Throat Chakra with the color Blue
The Third Eye Chakra in the middle of your forehead with the color Indigo.
Then the breath enters into the Crown Chakra at the top of your head, fill this space with the color Violet and expand it in all directions.
Now begin to weave together all of the colors of the Chakras into a rainbow bridge, aligning and vibrating as your unique soul signature.
The Rainbow Bridge is your sovereign birthright to experience more than this 3rd Dimensional Matrix. To begin to connect to the multidimensional soul of your Divine being.
You can connect to the cosmos as you ground this energy to mother earth. Becoming the Rainbow Bridge itself. Shifting the energies up and above as well as below. Rooted in your form, but flying with the angels, you connect to 5D and higher states of consciousness.
Journal your experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
My heart to yours