Looping Time Lines
Thoth and Ma’At
We are recreating the same time loop, that caused the destruction of Atlantis and the great flood. This repeating wheel of time, echoes through the consciousness of men. A loop that divides the hearts of all kind, allowing the shadow consciousness to expand through the VIEL of separation and false light.
The great fall of Atlantis was caused by the division of the great families, one governed by light the other corrupted by the shadow, both being aspects of the one, However, those that follow the shadow, was in a fractured state of the soul.
Throughout the history of mankind there has always been a fracture, a split where both the shadow and the light can feed the mind. Torn are the hearts of men, torn are the mind of men, since a mirrored consciousness split the reflection of the law of one. We as the council of men seek to aid in the healing of this dual aspect of consciousness that has created this wheel of time not serving the highest expression of the Law of One. Sharing our wisdom to mend, this fractured state of all Humans, co creating this reality that is bond to the wheel.
We see now, souls that do not have this fractured state. Souls that resonate with higher frequencies of one source, born without the karma of so called original sin.
Souls never knowing the false experience of separation, the root cause of this division of the vibrational state of men.
These souls and those who seek the true expression of the Law of One and can match the frequency of source are aiding us now in the ascension of all.
We bring back into consciousness awareness the power of free will, through the ascension breath, opening your channels to the original blueprint for humanity. Your thoughts, words, actions can weave a new time line. For all time line potential exists in the formless, outside time and space, waiting to be called forth by the human collective consciousness. A mind not tethered to the Divine Mind, spins out of control dividing It’s frequency and becoming dense in both body and spirit. Forgetting it’s true self and the song of its souls signature align with most high.
Beware of false shadow light and seek the light within the eye of GOD, reaching out through the breath of ascension as we have taught. We teach you this breath to recalibrate both sides to the law of one. Light and shadow now longer creates this duality of self. No longer will fear create destruction as we lift higher into the heart of oneness. The wheel of time that has echoed in this world for thousands of earth years will begin anew.
Know they self in the knowledge of the one
Know they self as the truth of the one
Know they self as the love of the one
Seek the wisdom within the quiet in between space.
Breath of Ascension
Breath through the nose bringing Prana into the back of your head through the mouth of God, the Zeal Point Chakra.
Moving the breath into the ear canals and into the Vagus Nerve. Feel this breath move into the Nadis, energy points within every cell of the body regulating the automatic nervous system.
Follow this breath as it moves down into the IDA, the Feminine channel of the body on the left side of your spinal cord and then into the PINGALA, the masculine channel of the body, on the right side of your spinal cord.
Feel the breath, this energy connect at the base of spine, crisscrossing the SUSHUMNA the central channel of the body in center of the spine, intersecting at each of the major Chakras of the body.
This column of light our central channel move this life force into the center of our head. Activating our Third Eye through stimulating the pituitary, Pineal and Hypothalamus gland,
A triangular formation of energy and frequencies move through these glands becoming our beacon of light, through time, space and dimensions.
Reconnecting us to our unique soul signature, the sound that we are all encoded with at the time of our incarnation.
We regenerate our bodies with this breath and anchor in higher frequencies that match the One Source vibrations, allowing us to heal all disease and to access wisdom of all of our Soul’s incarnations.
Time travel and astra projection within the time/space continuum.
As it shall be