Oct 3rd Channeled Message
Mantis Collective
The spores of psilocybin are a galactic seeding that was the building blocks for the earth grid and lay lines, tethering to the consciousness of the Earth.
Thus creating a symbiotic relationship between the formation of the earth and psilocybin. This became the neuro network or the nervous system of the earth consciousness, as she awakened. This neuro network supported the creation of the earth’s grid and it expansion into 3 dimensional time.
Psilocybin is an ancient living technology, seeding on the earth by higher dimensional beings as a witness to the enfolding of life on earth. Holding within it’s essence the ability to cross over into other time lines and dimensions as well as holding the inner earth akashic records.
As I was shown the lay lines and waterlines of the earth create the skeletal foundation, while the nervous system is created by mycelium under ground.
Mycelium are incredibly tiny “threads” of the greater fungal organism that wrap around or bore into tree roots. Taken together, mycelium composes what’s called a “mycorrhizal network,” which connects individual plants together to transfer water, nitrogen, carbon and other minerals. German forester Peter Wohlleben dubbed this network the “woodwide web,” as it is through the mycelium that trees “communicate”
Britt Holewinski- Natural Forest Foundation
This network not only connects trees to trees but can connect to the conscience of the human species, through the subtle bodies. Moving into our physical form through the soles of our feet activating our chakras there, grounding us to the earth consciousness. This energetic coding spirals into the cellular structures, that are the building blocks of our physicality.
Digestion ( Taste) is the highest potent form of experiencing the frequency and memories of this fungi but other senses can experience elements of her wisdom through awareness and intention.
Sight, touch, and smell engages the subtle bodies to begin to form a relationship, as well with this ancient off planet species. Guiding us into the full experience of our multidimensional selves. Always for honoring our highest potential and for stewardship of the earth.
Move forward in your conscious decision on how to begin a relationship to the unseen and dig deep into the inner network available to you as a guide and a teacher.
Much love
Kellie AMA