The In Between Space
Maitreya Message
Kellie AMA Liana
Sept. 19 2023
We too often in our walk as humans to a higher consciousness of awareness get stuck in the in between space. The in-between worlds of higher dimensions and time lines.
Many have chosen to walk the path, to their highest calling within the full expression of great source. To those who have put their fullest faith and trust in their expression of God/source, we honor and support in all ways their missions.
Still many on this path walk two worlds. This channel that is the personality of Kellie, is one of those souls that hears the calling, sees the future and feels the divine frequency of light that is God Source.
For those that have eyes to see, and ears to hear, living in these two world can cause a splinter in the rays of their incarnation, creating DIS- EASE. Both the physical, emotional and mental bodies can experience a lowering of their vibrational signatures.
Illnesses of the mind and body becomes imprinted on their physical blueprints of optimal health that is the original design for human life.
Depression begins, effecting the frequency of life force within the cellular structures of the body, reducing the mitochondria’s capacity to produce energy. Our health deteriorates as our abilities to connect to PRANA- life force, through the breath, the food we eat, and the water we drink no longer matches our soul’s signature. There is a disconnection of your soul/star ray uniquely yours when you incarnated in physical form.
This is the ray of your personality in form, tethered to the mind of men that is an extension of the ray of your soul. The soul’s and the personality are intertwined within the physicality of all form, through all species, earth bond as well as Galactic.
We are born with a star ray of the fullest potential of our personalities that are designed to co create with the creator. The experiences of our earthly years can miss shape the true essences of that ray given to the soul at the time of birth. This soul signature is a form of fragmented frequencies from the one all source that co exist in many time lines and in many dimensions, choosing form.
We ask now that it is not just the soul’s signature, but the expression of the personality that has been shaped by the mind to become an extension of Divine love and Source. Alchemizing all of the frequencies that have fragmented here and now.
So we ask you now how do you express your personality that has been created by the mind by both positive and negative experiences ( human terms)?
It is through conscious thoughts, words, and actions that are always guided by the breath.
For it is through we find FREEDOM.
FREEDOM - from repeating learned behaviors. Projecting not the truth, but a distorted perspective.
FREEDOM from FEAR caused by looping thoughts and feelings creating expectations.
FREEDOM from LOSS- For all is never lost but changed within the fire of transmutation.
For the universe works with in the energy of change- moving from chaos to neutrality.
So all perspectives of FREEDOM is through the BREATH, which is the purest channel of DIVINE LIFE- FORCE and all frequencies GOD, THE ONE.
The frequency of LOVE for ALL-KIND being the most high through out all time line dimensional grids.
Remember the breath, before speaking, acting. Breathing into the space of your thoughts, as you navigate to the divine truth to the most high expansion of your walk in form..
So it shall be