What is Conscious Living?
We are the most beautiful love story that never ends. The divine, the mother, the father, the lover, which whispers to us in the darkest times and sings with us in our moments of ecstasy. Holding us as we embark upon the journey of our lives.
As we begin our personal ministry, we rewrite the script of our past and create a new narrative for our future. A future that is to be experienced by all as we ascend together to the fulfillment of our destiny, and to our highest potential. Our collective consciousness expands, as we all exhale together, finding unity.
For all of us that are on that spiritual journey, discoveries about ourselves and the world we live in, drive us forward. We seek the wisdoms of our own innate connection to the divine through the questions we ask.
Our journey into conscious living is the stepping outside of our conditioned lives and trusting the process of our awakening. We become observers of our lives, through our actions and our words. The answers we seek will come from the deepest part of our hearts, for heart echoes the mysteries of the universe. These mysteries are woven into the fabric of our bodies, buried within our divine mind, ready to be witnessed and experienced.
As we begin to understand the interconnectivity of all life, we remove the veil of separation that can keep us in the darkness of Fear. We learn to have compassion for the decision we have made, and acceptance for the outcome of these choices. Remembering that these choices have brought you here to this moment, and in this moment you are perfect.
The breath can reminds you of the perfection of you, with every inhale and exhale. For our breath, is our life which is Divine in all things. The breath is Divine Source in form, for all of life is the Breath of God.
It is now our time to move, to walk into our ministry, with love and acceptance. We begin each day observing the opportunities for the mastery of our own being. By seeing the beauty of every relationship, and in every experience you move in a higher frequency of divine love.
Within this space you begin to choose your actions, your words, even the tone of your voice that echos this higher consciousness. We move above the limitations of our unconsciousness minds and align ourselves to The mind of God.
Every thought should have it’s counterpart with the breath, for we think with the breath
Breath First, inhale and observe your thoughts
Exhale and let go of anything that is not in your highest expansion.
Every action should have its counterpart with the breath, for we move with the Breath.
Breath First, inhale and observe your actions
Exhale and let go of anything that is not in your highest expansion.
Ever word should have it counterpart with the breath, for we speak with the Breath
Breath First, inhale and observe your words.
Exhale and let go of anything that is not in your highest expansion.
This is the alchemy of the breath, that sets us free, for within the breath we find our peace. We than can hear the whispers of Divine speak to us, singing our truth, our wisdom.
Now each thought, each action and each decision is made within the context of our highest calling. Our actions, words and thoughts mirror our hearts, as we are tethered to the divine heart. Conscious living is the awareness that everything we do has greater meaning. No action is too small not to be part of our divine plan.
When we become aware of our the Sovereignty, our BE-ING, we begin to understand the interconnectivity of all life. For we are all born within the womb of our Mothers, as the WORD becomes flesh. . We make our choices out of faith, not Fear. Faith in our own our being-hood and faith in humanity, as we usher in the Christ Consciousness with the opening of our joined hearts.
A conscious life, faces everyday as the expansion of God to be experienced in all things. All experiences and all relationship aid in our individual and collective ascension.
All of your experiences have brought you here to this present moment. Everything that you have done, everything that you have learned and everything you have experience. Honor it all.
This is conscious living.
Jafriel AMA