Our connection to the stars.

The history of our connection to sound as a tool of evolution and healing begins in the ancient continent of LEMURIA.  The Hawaiian Islands are what remains of this super continent that sank.  As the population fled they spread out to the mainlands and islands of England, Europe and South America, sharing the secrets of the stars as new civilizations rose up.  Legends say that the star mothers of the Pleiadian Star System came to earth to aid in our evolution and helped build the first civilizations based on honoring the earth and each other.



The stories, myths and legends of the Star Mothers from the Pleiades Star System or the 7 Sisters, are a shared common theme, through out many different cultures and religions.

These stories of the Star mothers falling to earth to create the human race,  incorporating specific DNA codes to the developing planet earth can be traced back to many oral histories.

Cherokee legends teach that Native Americans originated long ago in the Pleiades, and assert that indigenous people are on Earth as “star seeds,” with a mission of bringing light and knowledge.  The Lakota/Dakota people say their ancestors are from the Pleiades.  

 The Lenape Creation Story:

Once upon a time, there was no earth, only a vast realm of water below and sky above. The first people lived above the sky, for they could not live on water. One day, the sky opened up and through the hole fell a beautiful young woman and a tree. Two swans swam over to her, gently lifted her onto their backs, and took her to the Great Turtle. Turtle called all animals to a council, and when they gathered in a circle, he told them of the Woman Fallen from the Sky, and the tree with earth on its roots. He commanded them to bring up the tree from the water, and plant it on his great back, so that the woman could live there. After two unsuccessful attempts by Otter and Beaver to retrieve the tree, Muskrat dove down and stayed down for a very long time. When he surfaced, he came up with the tree and a mouthful of earth, which he spit out onto Turtle’s back. There the tree grew, bending down one of its branches to root in the earth, and from this branch sprang the first man who together with the woman would bring forth future generations of people on Turtle Island.


As we continued to evolve and thrive on Lemuria a new language was developed as a hybrid combing the sounds and tones of the star mothers with the children of earth.   A third energetic vocal cord was created, connected to the high throat chakra and zeal point chakra.  This energetic vocal cord was also tethered to our Vagus Nerve and aided us to mimic the higher sound frequency that they witness.

Right Vocal Cord

Masculine energy represented by the triangle facing the cosmos source

 Center Vocal Cord- 3rd Vocal Cord

Center cord of the light within the body represented by a dot within a circle

Left Vocal Cord

Feminine Energy represented by the inverted triangle facing the Mother Earth source


This 3rd vocal cord is attached to the High Throat Chakra and the Zeal Point or Alta Major Chakra at the back of our heads and  becomes the  Vargas Nerve that extends through out our bodies and regulates life. The Zeal point and high throat Chakra is our spiritual expression through voice that creates all manifestation in our 3rd Dimensional reality.

  This Chakra is also referred as the  Mouth of God and sits at the top of the spine at the back of the head, and is also know as the Bliss Chakra and the Well of Dreams.  When fully activated will regulate multi-dimensional telepathic communication. During our life times in LEMURIA this Chakra was fully engaged but has over the millennia has been off line.


1.   The lower throat chakra is our human voice

2.   The high throat chakra is our angelic  voice

3.   Zeal point is the voice of God/source and our light language

Now with the activation of these energy points happening globally the veil of of separation is dissolving and we are able to ascend to higher dimensions of consciousness. Our spiritual gifts and abilities will become activated as we begin awaken from the sleep of this world.   The truth of your remembering will emerge as you begin to master and anchor in these higher vibrations from your Soul Chakra through the ascended master frequency that originates from the God Seed.


As your abilities of healing, telepathy and light language expands it creates a ripple of vibration throughout the grid of the earth consciousness.  Healing not just yourself, but the world through your voice with the language of your soul. Beginning once again a loving conversation with your true original self, that is never separate from the Divine.


What is light language?

The language of Energy, vibration and Frequency

Light language is the song, the voice of your higher self expressed through different frequencies, It moves through vibrational toning to activate your soul’s mission and your remembering.   In essence, it is the language of energy not words. 

This tonal frequency and language  can be heard in many types of octaves, ranging from low guttural sounds that  resonate with the earth, to the sound of whales and dolphins. 

 As you begin to open up to your own light sound or language you may find that one may come easier than the others, that is normal.  As you dive deeper into your abilities you can bypass your human mind and begin to open up to your remembering. This will allow you to experience many forms of this language of light.

This sounding will come easier to you as you begin to trust the sound, tone or even a one syllable phrase that will bubble up from your divine heart into the two throat chakras.

What happens when you speak your light language?

As with any healing it begins with the opening of the heart, through divine self love, expressing itself through compassion and  patience. We clear any blockages by expanding the energy around the heart chakra through the divine flame of love.  Sounds will begin to form as a way of communication between your physical self and your soul.

 As you begin to open up to the channel of your divine light language, you become a conduit of God Source.  These frequencies will assist in aligning your chakras to spin at the optional vibrational frequencies for healing and expansion.  As you begin to heal you become a beacon to aid in the healing of others through the vibration that radiates from your heart.

So let’s sing together the song of the Earth, and the song of our souls in a melody of ascension.


The Vagus Nerve Connection

 The Vagus Nerve (The Wanderer Nerve) is the the longest nerve of your entire nervous system. Like a system of roots running down the back of your neck, branching off to the left and right side of your body. It regulates your parasympathetic system that controls rest and digest functions of the body.  This energetic pathway moves through the throat into the heart, lungs and digestive organs of the stomach, pancreas, liver, small intestine and half of the large intestines.


By replacing the signals of trauma, through mindful body techniques, such a breath work, eye movement, heart coherence to soothe and support the nervous system.

Much love









What is Conscious Living?


1000 Suns Meditation