Cosmic Rebirth Initiation
Activate your light language in this cosmic rebirth meditation and initiation your light language and singing the song of your soul. In this guided meditation, we will return to your original form and your soul’s first expression to remove the veil of separation. Together we will visit the Galactic Akash Hall of Records and experience a rebirth through the spiritual umbilical cord so that you may open to your sovereignty, divinity, and remembering.
Activate your light language in this cosmic rebirth meditation and initiation your light language and singing the song of your soul. In this guided meditation, we will return to your original form and your soul’s first expression to remove the veil of separation. Together we will visit the Galactic Akash Hall of Records and experience a rebirth through the spiritual umbilical cord so that you may open to your sovereignty, divinity, and remembering.
Activate your light language in this cosmic rebirth meditation and initiation your light language and singing the song of your soul. In this guided meditation, we will return to your original form and your soul’s first expression to remove the veil of separation. Together we will visit the Galactic Akash Hall of Records and experience a rebirth through the spiritual umbilical cord so that you may open to your sovereignty, divinity, and remembering.